Thursday, September 29, 2005

Add a Book Resource for Gifts

Say 'Saah'Since gift season is upon us, let me start with some new arrivals - BOOKS! These are great pickup items and what a great resource. Now representing Red Wheel/Weiser, I have selected some just published reads to show you. There are many more.
Say 'Saah' was published in June 2005 and is perfect for anyone who a) does yoga b) thinks they'd like to do yoga c) suffers from the stress of daily life.

You'll like this - Buy ten books in any combination to complete your order!Gentle Yoga Kit

The Gentle Yoga Kit is a wonderful find. It includes 2 audio compact discs; 50 flash cards and a 72 page book that is very well written. This was just introduced this to the market in 2005.

Red Wheel/Weiser, publisher of Red Wheel, Weiser Books, and Conari Press was founded in 1954, 1989, and to round things out, 2000. Red Wheel, the newest of the three imprints, founded in 2000, publishes practical, helpful books, most with a spiritual element. There’s an old story that if you give a hungry person a fish you feed that person for a day—if you teach that person to fish that person won’t go hungry for a lifetime. They aspire to publishing books that teach folks to fish.

Conari Books aims to inspire all walks of life—mind, body, and spirit, and to inspire creativity, laughter, gratitude, good food, and all good things in life. When you look at the "Say Saah" book, you'll agree.

Weiser Books has a long history as one of America’s preeminent publishers of esoteric or occult teachings from traditions all around the world and throughout time. Metaphysics and magick, Kabbalah, astrology, tarot, we publish serious books for students from all walks of life.

CAll Mabyn Shingleton toll Free at 1-866-353-4287 for wholesale information.

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